Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Simon Cowell Say Cameron has the X Factor

Simon Cowell alike Tom Muirhead. See more fine likenesses here

A satanic plan hatched by Murdoch, former News of the World editor/ suspected phone tapper/Cameron spin doctor, Andy Coulson and self appointed arbiter of public taste, the toothbrush haired, smug bomb Simon Cowell (above) to patronise the public into voting for David Cameron. 

Surely no one takes Simon Cowell seriously. This is the man who was shocked that a fat ugly woman could have a nice singing voice, never mind the fact he only has a vocabulary of five basic sentences. They are:
"You made that song your own"
"You have the ____ Factor (Simply insert word of choice here)
Eg. You have the Like-ability/Boredom/X Factor.
"You been on a journey"
"You are in/out of your comfort zone"
"Blessed are the peacemakers" or is that Jesus?

In the article, so clearly written by a tory propaganda wonk, 'Simon' mentions how much he agrees with Sir Philip Green, multi million - if not billionaire - shop keeper, tax exile and Monaco resident. Both of whom are basically asking the public to vote Tory in order to give already hugely wealthy businesses more money under the ruse of "boosting investment".

I only wish that the Mirror had co-ordinated and had Louis Walsh saying Vote Labour, just to disagree with Simon. If we're going to have an X-Factor election let's have it properly.

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