Lessons number one learnt from learnt from Election 2010. Never ever trust a Lib Dem ever ever again. As I have always suspected they have proved themselves a bunch of backsliding, two faced, unprincipled weathercocks...No let's lose the weather bit. A bunch of backsliding, two faced unprincipled cocks. Who could ever trust them again?
They sold themselves in the TV debates and on the doorsteps as progressives and then handed David Cameron the keys to Number Ten. By the way, why is it always the 'keys to Number Ten' not the key? Is there a back door/patio windows too? Perhaps the front door has a Yale and a mortise lock for extra security? Even with a copper on the doorstep you can't be too careful these days. Actually, have you ever seen a PM lock the door when he/she/it leaves for work? Of course Dave Cameron couldn't do it even if he wanted to, he’s not used to using keys himself, he’s got staff for that. In fact, I’m not sure he carries money either.
Amazingly I had a row with a mate of mine earlier who said that doing a deal with the Tories was the ‘mature’ thing to do. The only thing 'mature' about the Lib Dems is Vince 'Methuselah' Cable .
People don’t seem to understand that 'cuts' are not an abstract concept they are the destruction of your hospitals, schools and jobs. If you’re lucky enough not to have experienced the brutality of the Tories last time, take a look at how the Welsh Valleys and the north of England are still suffering from what the Tories did 20 years ago. And now the Lib Dems want a go too.
Lib Dem voters have been duped.
Only one in four eligible votes went to Cameron, hardly a divine right to rule. But the power hungry sneaks of the Lib Dems still seem to think that they are a party to be supported. I’m not saying they should have done a deal with Labour, just stood up for something they claim to believe in for once in their sorry lives.
I shouldn’t be surprised. They have never had any backbone, but you don't expect any in parasitic bacteria do you? We must all remember at the next election, 'vote Lib Dem, Get Tories'.
Also, have you noticed how the oh so progressive Barak ‘look into my eyes, not around the eyes, look into my eyes’ Clegg, has negotiated all sorts of things with the new mates in the Tories. But has he mentioned the cuts? Has he tried to negotiate an alternative to trying to make tax payers to pay for the city boys fuck ups and bonues? Has he demanded that the government protects those who pay for it and vote for it, rather than those who live in Belize and use Britain as their own high rolling Las Vegas casino, (all be it with worse weather and fewer ‘all you can eat’ buffets). Has the Cleggster done even a little bit of this? Of course he hasn’t. He too giddy with the whiff of power, punching the air like an animatronic wax work of Tim Henman dressed as an extra from The Office.
So how to fight the Con-dems and their reactionary programme of cuts and attacks?
I for one will be supporting the BA strikes and thank them for showing us it is possible to defend our jobs, services and communities by standing up together with our mates, colleagues and communities and having our say.
I suspect Nick Clegg and his twat of shit nosed yes men* would rather help feather the nests of people like BA Boss and old fashion British Leyland style union busting thug Willie Walsh, than admit that Unite and the BA staff might have a point. No understanding, negotiation and willingness compromise there.
In the debates Clegg critisised the Tories for doing deals with right wing homophobic nutters in Europe, which is true. However, Clegg now seems to be doing exactly the same thing right here in the UK.
I feel so sorry for all those who voted Lib Dem. You have been the victims of a nasty con...well Lib. I bet you won’t even be voting for them as a second preference in the next general election. I suspect you won’t be able to make a second preference even if you wanted.
*Twat is the collective noun for a group of Lib Dems. As in a gaggle of geese, a flock of sheep, A twat of Lib Dems
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